Try Something New

Try Something New

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."- Albert Einstein

Feeling inspired by this quote these days! Trying something new can be so intimidating, but nothing is worse than the regret of wishing you had done  something. One of my biggest realizations as a young mom in her early twenties is: no one really has anything figured out! This realization sounded scary to me at first but it’s beginning to shift my perspective for the better. It’s not about who has it figured out and who doesn’t, it’s about who took action and who didn’t! We hear over and over again that comparison is the thief of joy but it’s also a thief of creativity, energy and time…Those are valuable parts of ourselves that we can’t be giving away for free. As I venture through life I’m yearning to be more in touch with my creativity, spirituality and more in touch with my energy and what makes me, me. I’ve had to learn to take my power back from what no longer serves me: habits, people, ect. Obviously not an overnight process but it’s been freeing to know that I’m not in a rush, and that it’s okay to just let these shifts happen. When you practice new ways of living, new opportunities come, doors open and life begins in a new way 🪴 So try something new today!

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